Monday, October 10, 2011

Musing Monday

MUSING MONDAYS… is a weekly event where MizB at Should be Reading will ask a book/reading-related question, and you answer with your own thoughts on the topic.

This weeks question is:
What types of nonfiction do you read? Can do multiple choices.

- e-books
- Mythology/Folklore
- Travel/Locations
- Humor
- History
- Art, including art history
- Science including forensics
- Gardening/Nature
- Political
- Financial/Economical
- Religious
- Self-help
- How-to books
- Books on writing
- Audio books
- Biography
- Autobiography
- Sports
- Architecture
- Fitness/Exercise/Nutrition/Beauty
- Other
- None of the Above

I don't usually read nonfiction, ,I'm all about fantasy and imagination.  But if I do read non fiction it's usually biographies.  And it has to be extremely interesting for me to read it.  Yeah I'm totally fiction

1 comment:

caite said...

I am not a big non-fiction fan either. In the past most of my non-fiction were reference books on various subjects... with the internet now, they tend to be out of date dust catchers.