Thursday, March 22, 2012

Booking Through Thursday: Can you do it?

A weekly meme about (mostly) books and reading. Hosted at Booking Through Thursday.

Today's question is:
Ever read a book you thought you could have written better yourself?

First of all, I'm not a writer, nor will I ever claim to be because honestly half the time I write exactly how I talk and even I would get annoyed with it.  Could I change stuff around in some books - probably. 

It's funny you mention this because I was talking to someone yesterday about this very subject.  I was reading this book and telling him all about it.  The concept is great, but it's as if they just couldn't put it through right on paper.  There were even references that I didn't think need to be in there but that could just be my personal opinion.  But I think this could have been done much better.  Could I write it better, even though I'm not a writer?  I think maybe hehe.  It's really all a matter of your own opinion. 


The Book Rogue said...

Hehe, up to now, all responses I read were similar. Weird? I don't know, maybe...
That's my response this week

Unknown said...

I have a tendency to write the way that I speak too..funny how that works out, huh?
but you could probably write it better even though you don't consider yourself to be a writer.. at the very least write it in a way that is tailored to you :)
good answer. thanks for stopping by!
have a great thursday!

Eva said...

I couldn't have written it better, I'm not a writer. But, sometimes I wonder what the editor was thinking.

Hazel said...

I agree - we could probably change stuff around but most answers I saw this week are similar. I sense much respect for writers which tells me of the writers in readers :)

Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

I wonder what was going through the editor's mind when they were reading it? Great answer!

Thanks for swingin' by :)


PinkPigReads said...

Good answer. Thanks for stopping by!