Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Review: The Fine Art of Truth or Dare

The Fine Art of Truth or Dare
By Melissa Jensen
Release Date: February 16, 2012

Ella is nearly invisible at the Willing School, and that's just fine by her. Still, it's hard being a nobody and having a crush on the biggest somebody in the school: Alex Bainbridge. Especially when he is her French tutor, and lessons have started becoming, well, certainly more interesting than French ever has been before.

This book was definitely a quick and fun read.  The cover is super cute and from just looking at the cover I wanted it to be fabulous.  But it was just good, which is fine for me because sometimes you just want to read something quick and easy to ease your mind of all your troubles.  Let's get into the story.

Ella goes to a private school on a scholarship, when she was younger she got burned with some hot liquid from her neck to her chest.  This of course made her more self conscious.  She has two best friends, Jake who sounds totally kickass and needs a book of his own (or even his twin brother they can have a book together, seriously), and Sadie who is one of the rich girls but is always being put down by her mother that she finds solace in her two best friends. 

There is this boy, that everyone likes (except Jake), he is one of the Philites (most popular) kids. Ella really seems to like him, but he wouldn't want anything to do with her, because duh look at her, at least that's how she felt. So we open the book with her having found one of his textbooks on the floor, and she's getting the courage to bring it to him. She waits until everyone is leaving or has left (especially his girlfriend) and walks over to him, but he doesn't see her there and bam he pushes his chair back and rams right into her. What a meeting, but it really was kind of an interesting meeting. Alex later in the book describes that meeting again and it's very sweet, made me go aww, along with some other revelations about himself like his name.  That moment was sweet too.

Well turns out that Ella is not that great in French and Alex is, so the teacher puts them together so that Alex can tutor her, this is where it gets more interesting.  They would meet up and every time tell each other three things about themselves and do something in french.  I don't know how easily it flowed but they started hanging out more and more, but always in secret. It was to the point her bff Jake said that she was Alex's dirty little secret. No one wants to be that, so it complicates things a little more, especially when Alex goes to a party and his ex is there, Ella wasn't invited and yeah you can imagine the rest. But I will say this I kind of wish Alex did stand up for Ella at that moment, but he didn't.  I think that made me like him a little less.  I wanted to see more interaction between them it didn't flow as much as I would have liked.  But overall it was a good book. 

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