Been contemplating a new Kindle, only because my Kindle fire has become temperamental to which chargers it wants to charge for and it has to be at a specific position or it won't charge. I feel like back in the day when you had a Nintendo and you had to blow in the cartridges for the game to work, know what I mean? Ha, I'm sure if you're reading this and you're like whats a Nintendo I may have to put my head down and just go man I'm old lol. Hey at least I didn't say Atari! Or A-track, is that how it's spelled I don't know I've never seen one of those just like my kids will never see a cassette tape lol. Oh how the times have changed, but back to my Kindle. Yes so I'm contemplating the Paper white. Just read about it on another blog and was contemplating it even more now. Should I, Shouldn't I? That is the question. But then it's like maybe I should get the new kindle fire because it has a camera and how cool would that be. Eh I don't know maybe someone will gift me one for Christmas.

Does anyone have one, or know anyone who has one? I just want to know if it's a good idea or not. Will she not like it because it's not the Kindle. I don't know. So hard!
Yesterday I made a cake even though I wasn't feeling too hot, what do you think? It wasn't my best but again i wasn't feeling well.
Ok enough of the ramblings it's time for me to get some stuff done, maybe. Who knows, the only thing I feel like doing is curling myself under the covers reading a good book with all the lights off and only the tv playing softly in the background lol.
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