Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm "Waiting on":

Release Date: August 8, 2012

"You're going to hate me forever when you learn my secret."
Seventeen-year-old stoner Aaron Foster was offered a choice: go to jail or turn undercover narc to find the dealer who's funneling drugs into Miami's Palm Hammock High School. But Aaron has never been good at getting close to people. He's human wallpaper, a stoner wastecase who's obsessed with video games and street magic.

With a cop from Narcotics breathing down his neck, Aaron gets himself invited to parties where the deals go down. To get close to the school's biggest players, Aaron lies to everyone--most of all, the cute but troubled Morgan Baskin. With the Everglades party on Halloween night--and a planned drug bust there--just days away, Aaron realizes that he's falling hard for Morgan . . . and trying to protect her could cost him everything.


Unknown said...

I haven't seen this book before! It sounds a bit like "Wake" (whithout the paranormal aspect). I'll add it to my TBR list, thanks for sharing!

Liza’s WoW

Neyra said...

Definitely interested in this book, hadn't heard of it before, but it looks awesome! Great pick this week :)

My Wow

Beth D. said...

That is either going to be really good, or really bad, lol. I hope really good! I hope it is pulled off nicely. I have never read anything from that author.

Unknown said...

I love books about people going undercover! This sounds really good. It does sound kind of like Wake but without being able to slip into peoples dreams. I wonder if he will protect the girl?! Thanks for visiting My WOW!

Tabby said...

This is my first time seeing this book, but I must say it's intriguing! Thanks for sharing :)

Check out my Wednesday Post :)
Tabby @Insightful Minds & IM Design Studio

Steph (Poetry to Prose) said...

My friend JUST picked up a copy at BEA and, while I can't say that it's my type of read, I do think it sounds really great. Hopefully you enjoy it when you get your hands on it! :)

Unknown said...

This look good. Thanks for sharing and stopping at my WoW.


Michelle Santiago said...

i haven't heard of this before but i looks and sounds interesting. i'm gonna look more into it.

My WoW this week.


Traci @ The Reading Geek said...

Great pick! I haven't heard of this yet but it sounds good. It also sounds just like a book I would enjoy so I'm definitely going to add it to my list. It kind of reminds me a bit of 21 Jump Street maybe.

Thanks for stopping by my post!
Traci @ The Reading Geek

Tammy Sparks said...

Ooh sounds good! First time I've seen this book. Thanks for visiting:)

Sarah said...

I've never heard of this but it sounds really good, it's definitely getting added to my wishlist, thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said...

This book sounds like a movie & dangerous. I like it!

Talk Supe WoW

Jaskirat@SeeitORreadit said...

ohhhhhhhhhh this book looks so good! Can't believe I have not heard of it before! Thank you so much for sharing :-) Definitely adding this one to my tbr list!!!

Following your blog! Feel free to visit mine!

Anonymous said...

This book is new to me so thanks for sharing. Sounds interesting and I like reading books from a male protagonist perspective every now and then.
Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

LilyElement said...

Sounds like a good book!

Thanks for visiting my blog <3

Unknown said...

I haven't read Wake so this is totally, completely new to me! It sounds good, nice and moody.

Thanks for sharing (and congratulations on picking a book almost no one has heard of - that's a rare thing!) lol

Anonymous said...

oh wow, I love that cover! GORGEOUS.

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Just a friendly suggestion; you really don't need it since blogger has a pretty good spam filter!

Jenn @ Owl Read It said...

This book sounds really interesting, I will have to keep an eye out for it. Great pick!

manda-rae said...

This one sounds so different. I'm looking forward to seeing reviews on it.

Thanks for visiting my WoW.

Kimberley@sunnykimmylovinglife said...

Ooh this sounds interesting. I'm definitely adding it to my TBR pile. Thanks for sharing!

Theta Sigma said...

Sounds like a decent thriller.

Looking forward to a UK release.

Unknown said...

I haven't heard of this before but it sounds pretty good! Thanks for sharing and stopping by my blog :)

Giselle said...

Oh this sounds good and original!! Great pick!

Louisa @ Words I Write Crazy said...

Sounds like a wonderful contemporary novel! Must check it out! Great WoW!Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!

Darlene said...

I haven't heard of this one yet. Nice pick!

Thanks for stopping by!