Monday, June 4, 2012

Musing Monday: Goals

MUSING MONDAYS… is a weekly event where MizB at Should be Reading will ask a book/reading-related question, and you answer with your own thoughts on the topic.

This week’s musing asks…
Do you have a reading goal for the year, such as __ books? Why or why not?

I absolutely do, thanks to Goodreads.  Last year I had a goal of 80 books, this year I have a goal of 100 books.  And I'm almost halfway there. 

2012 Reading Challenge

2012 Reading Challenge
Cathy has read 45 books toward her goal of 100 books.
See - Almost there!!!

I'm excited because I really want to reach my goal this year and I think I might even surpass it.  Although I have to say when some people have like 200+ it's like geez how do they do it!! Seriously, how do they do it?
Between work, kids, family, and prior arrangements I'm lucky I can get as much reading in as I do.  (Of course some of that is at work, but shh remember lol).  It's just hard and I wish I had more time to read because there are just TOO many good books out there that I just know I won't get to any time soon.


caite said...

Oh my heavens, a graph!! my head would

Anonymous said...

That's great to hear! 45 is a large number of book, especially with so many things at hand, hope you'll chance upon more good reads in future! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog!


wcs53 said...

Good answer. I like to have a goal. I never made my goal last year, but I think I'll surpass this year's one okay. Thanks for visiting earlier.

Unknown said...

I have the Goodreads widget on my blog too. It really helps to see where I am :)

Gigi Ann said...

I don't set a goal of reading I fine it to stressful, I read for my own entertainment and enjoyment, so I don't want to be stressed out thinking I need to read!

Thanks for stopping by and the visit today.

JC Jones said...

I didn't think I did any challenges but after reading several post I checked and saw that I had signed up for the Goodreads challenge. So I do one challenge.

Kwizgiver said...

I don't do challenges, really, but after reading so many answers I might have to give it a try!

Yvonne said...

My reading goal is 100, but I've seen quite a few people with much more than that. I don't know how they do it either.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks for dropping by my blog!

WOW! A 100 books! I struggle to reach just half of that amount!. Congrats on making it half way through to your target!