Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following: •Grab your current read •Open to a random page •Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page •BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) •Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Here's my teaser for the week:

 “Oh great, just great,” he calls back to me. “The Piggly Wiggly’s gone under too.”
We pass the barren supermarket, and I see the darkened sign—that familiar pig in his funny hat. Once the pig shone bright and jolly. Now in the gloom, he sports a menacing leer.

While He was Away


Paulita said...

I've been to a Piggly Wiggly, back when I lived in Florida. Things must be bad when the Piggly-Wiggly goes under. Here's Mine

Preet said...

I agree! How can you not smile at a name like the Piggly Wiggly? I wish we had one where I live just to giggle.

Preet @ A Written Rhapsody

Irish said...

Fun teaser. I've never been to a Piggly Wiggly either but the name is always such fun to say. Love the teaser.

My Teaser is here.

Unknown said...

Do not know what a Piggly Wiggly is but it sounds funny.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Oh, I hate abandoned stores that were a piece of the landscape for us!

Thanks for sharing; this one sounds good.


Kathy Martin said...

I seem to remember Piggly Wigglys being around here when I was a child. Haven't seen one in years though. My teasers are from Dead Ringer by Allen Wyler and Innocent Darkness by Suzanne Lazear. Happy reading!

starryeyedjen said...

Haha...we don't have Piggly Wiggly's in my part of the south, but I've seen them when I visit family up north. This teaser is pretty funny. I wasn't that interested in this book before, but I might have to give it a try now. :) Thanks for sharing & for stopping by my teaser from Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake. Happy Tuesday! :D

Li said...

Interesting teaser! I also don't know what a Piggly Wiggly is but lol

Here's my teasers for this week =)

Unknown said...

that name does bring a smile to my face. :)

Trish said...

love the cover! very cute.
Trish - My TT

Nash Nordin said...

I never heard of Piggly Wiggly before... I hope you enjoy your read :)

TT @ ai-books

Sandra Nachlinger said...

I grew up near a Piggly Wiggly supermarket and always loved that name! The image of a menacing pig is so weird and really sets a gloomy mood. Your teaser makes me wonder why the store closed down.
My teaser is from Hot Issues, Cool Choices.

Jan said...

I love the sound of Piggly Wiggly too, but so sad it's closed. Great teaser!


Melissas Eclectic Bookshelf said...

I've always wondered where all these Piggly-Wiggly's are!

Thanks for stopping by My Teaser Post!

♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

Anonymous said...

A cute name for a supermarket.


gautami tripathy said...

Great teaser!

My tuesday teaser is from Firefly Beach by Meira Pentermann

Harvee44 said...

Someone's come back after a long absence. Nice teaser - makes me want to know more.

collettakay said...

What a cute teaser!

Thanks for stopping by :)


Gigi Ann said...

I have a book on my TBR pile titled, "A Piggly Wiggly Wedding" by Robert Dalby. However, reading his Piggly Wiggly books are the only times I've been in a Piggly Wiggly.

Unknown said...

It seems someone has been away awhile. Things change,but we all think that certain things or people shouldn't.

Here's mine: http://fiktishuhs.blogspot.com/2012/08/teaser-tuesday.html

Neyra said...

I've never heard of Piggly Wiggly's O.O Lol I like this teaser though :P here's mine


Melissa O. said...

Ha - great teaser! I've never actually been to a Piggly Wiggly, but I am familiar enough with the logo to see how that could come about ;-)

Here is my teaser this week.

Unknown said...

Great teaser. Must be a small town. I have never been to a Piggly Wiggly either. Love the cover. Thanks for stopping by my TT.

Have a great week.
My Teaser Tuesday

Vanessa said...

I've never even heard of a Piggley Wiggley. Is that really a thing? Sounds creepy :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Sabina said...

I've never heard of Piggly Wiggly before. Fun teaser though.

Thanks for stopping by my TT =)

Lee @ Rally the Readers said...

Great teaser! I've heard of Piggly Wiggly but have never seen one.

Thanks for stopping by!

Wrighty said...

I've never been to a Piggly Wiggly either but it is a funny name. It sure gets your attention! Great teaser!

My teaser

Michelle Sedeño said...

Ohmy. Another book I've been wanting to read!
Thanks for droppin by my TT.
Btw, would you like to join my giveaway?
Michelle from Michelle Shouts Random
P.S New follower. :)

Karen and Gerard said...

Wonder what happened to it.

Thanks for stopping by ours.

Jessica ( frellathon ) said...

I want to go to a Piggly Wiggly just so I'll have an excuse to use the words Piggly Wiggly in a sentence

Jenn said...

Hehehe. I can see why the name Piggly Wiggly can make you smile. It makes me smile too. Great teaser!
Thanks so much for passing by blog!