Thursday, March 8, 2012

Booking Through Thursday: Sequel?

A weekly meme about (mostly) books and reading. Hosted at Booking Through Thursday.

Today's question is:
Which non-series book would you most like to read the sequel to? Do you have any wishes for what might happen in it?

This question is literally made for me because I JUST finished a book and in my review I said I wanted more, I need more, I have to have more.  Amplified by Tara Kelly.  BUT ... my wishes are coming true!!! Because there will be a sequel to it. I just read it on her blog lol. Ok so on to the next one...

Something Maybe by Elizabeth Scott, the main characters finally get together and I want to see what happens next but we really don't know.  It would be cute to see how their relationship grows.

The DUFF by Kody Keplinger.  That would be an interesting one, I just really loved the banter between the two, makes me want to read it again right now.

If you think about it or at least I know I do, there are a lot of Young Adult Contemporary novels that the end just isn't enough, I always seem to want more.  But maybe if they gave us more it just wouldn't be exciting.  No one wants to read how happy and fabulous everything is, need  just a touch of drama in there to make it interesting.  What about you what do you want a sequel to? Which such a high demand there are a lot of things that just come out in series now a days.  It's hard to want sequels if they are already in the works.


The Book Rogue said...

I agree with you on that last comment. Sometimes we wish for a sequel so bad, the author picks up on it because the industry wishes for it, and then it's a total disaster. Then I'd rather have books that leave me aching for more. You can always find other reads to easy your pain, right? ^.^

Kristin A. said...

Car Said...I agree with you on that last comment. Sometimes we wish for a sequel so bad, the author picks up on it because the industry wishes for it, and then it's a total disaster.

My thoughts exactly. I've read some pretty bad sequels that felt like the Author was just writing it for the $$$ rather instead of writing because they had love for the characters.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and sharing your BTT btw :)

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Yes, wanting more time with beloved characters is why I would want more from a book...but sometimes sequels are disappointing. Sort of like overeating.


Unknown said...

That is so true! I hate it when a book just ends and doesn't explain anything more. Here's my BTT.

Anonymous said...

When a book is really good you want it to go on.

Faith said...

I'm all for series when the book is supposed to be apart of a series but I agree with the others who have said that just because the industry demands it it doesn't mean it should be written! Great post!

Here's my BTT:

Eva said...

I like series, but I still think there are too many sequels out there.