Monday, January 30, 2012

Musing Monday: What's next?

MUSING MONDAYS… is a weekly event where MizB at Should be Reading will ask a book/reading-related question, and you answer with your own thoughts on the topic.

This week’s musing asks…
How far along are you in your current read before you start thinking about what you’ll read next?

I think it depends on the book, because if I'm really into it I can't think of another book (unless it's a series then I can't wait to read the next one).  Usually when I'm about half way through with one book I start contemplating which book I can read next or which book I can read concurrently.  Always turns out though that even if there is a book I'm contemplating by the time I'm done with the current one I change my mind and start reading a different book.  Ha, I'm all over the place. 


Unknown said...

I know what you meant by your answer. With so many great releases, I'm having hard time to focus on my current TBR list also..LOL!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Flexibility is a great way to be...thanks for sharing.

Here's MY MUSING MONDAY POST - and here’s

PinkPigReads said...

I like your answer. Thanks for dropping by!

Gigi Ann said...

I agree with you, when I am reading a book, that is where my focus is, not on what will I read next. Although there are exceptions, depending on what my schedule is that week.

Rachel Rowlands said...

Good answer! You made a good point about it depending on which book you read. When I read The Hunger Games I was so absorbed that I couldn't even think of anything else!

caite said...

That is true...if I am not really liking a book, yes my mind might wander to the next.

Laura BurgandyIce said...

I like that, "I'm all over the place" - good place to be!!! My Musing: Colorimetry

JC Jones said...

I think a lot of us are that way. I do want to read down my TBR pile. Thanks for visiting.

Unknown said...

Hahah yeah. I plan ahead, but there's always the chance that I'll see another book or find a new release and then the plan is useless.

caite said...

I don't plan..
but if it is a series and the next one is available..ok, maybe then I have a plan.
But really, just love the book you are with!!

Yvonne said...

I'm always thinking about, but sometimes things can change.

Monaliz said...

Luckily you're not only one all over the place, same here! I tried to solve this problem by making a TBR - post and promising to stick-with-it! Didn't work out. Surprise! :D

Thanks for sharing, and thanks for stopping by, new follower! :)

Monaliz @ Mind Reading?