Monday, January 30, 2012

Review: After Obsession

After Obsession
By Carrie Jones & Steven E. Wedel
Release Date: September 13, 2011

Aimee and Alan have secrets. Both teens have unusual pasts and abilities they prefer to keep hidden. But when they meet each other, in a cold Maine town, they can't stop their secrets from spilling out. Strange things have been happening lately, and they both feel that something-or someone- is haunting them. They're wrong. Despite their unusual history and powers, it's neither Aimee nor Alan who is truly haunted. It's Alan's cousin Courtney who, in a desperate plea to find her missing father, has invited a demon into her life-and into her body. Only together can Aimee and Alan exorcise the ghost. And they have to move quickly, before it devours not just Courtney but everything around her.


Courtney has lost her father, he was on the river and his body has not turned up.  Her cousin, Alan (who is half Navajo) has come to Maine with his mother to stay with his cousin and her mother to take care of them.  When Alan comes to town weird things start to happen.  People are getting angrier than usual, fights are breaking out, the hospital starts getting busy and the police are always having to break up fights.  Aimee's mother died in the river.  There is something wrong with the river, there has been talk of a River Man, someone who haunts the river trying to get out of the river to walk among men.  Aimee has seen him in her dreams.  She has the powers to heal and sometimes has dreams that come true, like prophecies that she tries to stop.  Alan being half Navajo has his spirit guide or totem behind him to help him with all the troubles.  He doesn't know his father but has learned everything he can about his people through the Internet and even found his spirit guide by building his own sweat lodge back in Oklahoma.

As things turn for the stranger Blake, Aimee's boyfriend, gets so angry at her that he pulled her out of her car, and they break up because Blake is saying very racial things against Alan. At the same time Courtney starts acting weirder by the day and then starts to strangely break out horribly all over her skin.  Alan and Aimee quickly become good friends, there's something between them that they've never felt before and they help each other out with everything that is going on.  With their friendship growing stronger into something else, they come together with a plan and a conclusion that Courtney has been or is trying to be possessed by the River Man so that he can take over her body and walk amongst the men instead of being confined to the River.  The school's librarian even shows Aimee a file with article after article of people being found dead by the river, dismembered and with claw marks but no conclusion as to why it has occurred.

The River man torments Alan and Aimee through wind storms, throwing of objects and all kinds of weird possession type things.  Eventually Alan decides he needs to build a sweat lodge and speak to his spirit guide to help him conquer the River man, he really believes he can beat this.  Aimee and Alan therefore decide to tie Courtney to her bed so that they can bring the River man forward and banish it away.  Somehow with the help of Aimee's mother's spirit they make it through this and get rid of the River man. 

It was a really interesting story, I haven't read anything about possession like this, so this was definitely different and was an easy quick read.  I think the romance between Alan and Aimee went by a little too quickly it's almost like they fell in love in less than a week.  They even told each other I love you.  I think it was just the heightened situation which made them feel this way so quickly.  The whole book in timeline frame seemed to go by quickly and escalate even faster.  All in all it was a good read and if they were to somehow continue the book, which I don't believe is the case.  I would read it.

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