Just quickly because tomorrow I will most likely not have time to log on because I will be enjoying the last weekend of the summer by the pool. Doubtfully reading but there is always the before and the after for that.
Finished one book last night but started on second will be done with that one tonight and will be starting the third which will most likely be completed by tomorrow night then hopefully I can get into one of my fourth book choices which right now I'm leaning towards The Selection.
Just not sure if I will finish that book though. Cross fingers cause it's been hard trying to get some peace and quiet here.

You know when I was younger my mom used to call me alll the time for every little thing. I am the only girl so of course anything that needed to be done in the house was on my shoulders if she needed help (Don't get offended if I said of course it's just the way my family is and our culture I guess anyway). So it would constantly be Cathy this, Cathy that and just plain a yell of Cathy! Well I told her when I was younger that I wanted to change my name so then she wouldn't know what to call me lol. Anyway now I am a mother and instead of being called Cathy this Cathy that now it's Mom my sister did this, Mom my sister did that. Mom I need this Mom I want this and that and Mom Mom Mom. So I told my oldest daughter today who is six, you know what I think I'm going to change my name, I'm not going to be called Mom anymore. So then she proceeds to tell me no your name is Cathy. LOL I just about died with laughter on that comment because the constant need to other people is what I will always be. I will always be the go to person, but still the things that comes out of kids mouths. Too funny. I just will never lose that whole Cathy this Cathy that scenario lol ha.
Just wanted to throw that little funny tidbit in there thought it might make you chuckle a little ha, I said chuckle LOL.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend and see you all back on Tuesday!
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