Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm "Waiting on":

Shatter Me
by Tahereh Mafi
Release Date: November 15, 2011

Product Description:
Juliette hasn't touched anyone in exactly 264 days. The last time she did, it was an accident, but The Reestablishment locked her up for murder. No one knows why Juliette's touch is fatal. As long as she doesn't hurt anyone else, no one really cares. The world is too busy crumbling to pieces to pay attention to a 17-year-old girl. Diseases are destroying the population, food is hard to find, birds don't fly anymore, and the clouds are the wrong color.

The Reestablishment said their way was the only way to fix things, so they threw Juliette in a cell. Now so many people are dead that the survivors are whispering war- and The Reestablishment has changed its mind. Maybe Juliette is more than a tortured soul stuffed into a poisonous body. Maybe she's exactly what they need right now.

Juliette has to make a choice: Be a weapon. Or be a warrior.


Who doesn't like a good book about a dystopian,society?


Beth D. said...

This is also on my TBR, it sounds like a x-men character, so I am in!

New Follower
Beth ^_^

Book Sake said...

Absolutely on my TBR list!

Our WOW pick is at Book Sake.

Jessica (Peace Love Books) said...

I've seen this around a lot and it looks awesome!! Great pick :) Thanks for stopping by my WoW!

Sherre said...

Thanks for stopping by! I am looking forward to this book as well!

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