Saturday, September 17, 2011

Looking forward to 2012

The contest craze at Princess Bookie has started. Here's the first mini challenge:

Challenge: Write up a blog post telling me your top 5 books that you are looking forward to releasing in 2012. Be creative, you can use summaries, pictures, etc.

1 - Insurgent (Divergent, #2)
by: Veronica Roth
Release Date: May 2012

Product Description:
One choice can transform you—or it can destroy you. But every choice has consequences, and as unrest surges in the factions all around her, Tris Prior must continue trying to save those she loves—and herself—while grappling with haunting questions of grief and forgiveness, identity and loyalty, politics and love.

Tris's initiation day should have been marked by celebration and victory with her chosen faction; instead, the day ended with unspeakable horrors. War now looms as conflict between the factions and their ideologies grows. And in times of war, sides must be chosen, secrets will emerge, and choices will become even more irrevocable—and even more powerful. Transformed by her own decisions but also by haunting grief and guilt, radical new discoveries, and shifting relationships, Tris must fully embrace her Divergence, even if she does not know what she may lose by doing so.
2 - City of Lost Souls (The Mortal Instruments #5)
by: Cassandra Clare
Release Date: May 8, 2012

Product Description:
In Book 5: City of Lost Souls, the Shadowhunters struggle to piece together their shattered world after a betrayal by one of their own leaves them reeling.

3 - Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices #3)
by: Cassandra Clare
Release Date: December 1, 2012
Product Description:
In Clockwork Princess, Tessa and her companions travel all over the world as they race to stop the clockwork army before it's too late. As Jem's health worsens alarmingly and his friends search desperately for a cure, can Tessa choose between the two boys she loves — even if it means never seeing the other one again?

4 - The Fine Art of Truth or Dare
by: Melissa Jensen
Release Date: February 16, 2012
Product Description:
Pretty in Pink meets Anna and the French Kiss in this charming romantic comedy

Ella is nearly invisible at the Willing School, and that’s just fine by her. She’s got her friends— the fabulous Frankie and their sweet cohort Sadie. She’s got her art— and her idol, the unappreciated 19th-century painter Edward Willing. Still, it’s hard being a nobody and having a crush on the biggest somebody in the school: Alex Bainbridge. Especially when he is your French tutor, and lessons have started becoming, well, certainly more interesting than French ever has been before. But can the invisible girl actually end up with a happily ever after with the golden boy, when no one even knows they’re dating? And is Ella going to dare to be that girl?
5- Try Not to Breathe
by: Jennifer R. Hubbard
Release Date: January 19, 2012
Product Description:
A dark and provocative novel from the author of The Secret Year

Ryan spends most of his time alone at the local waterfall because it’s the only thing that makes him feel alive. He’s sixteen, post-suicidal, and trying to figure out what to do with himself after a stint in a mental hospital. Then Nicki barges into his world, brimming with life and energy, and asking questions about Ryan’s depression that no one else has ever been brave enough—or cared enough—to ask. Ryan isn’t sure why he trusts Nicki with his darkest secrets, but that trust turns out to be the catalyst that he desperately needs to start living again.


Unknown said...

Snap we got two of the same! its funny you live near me! i just seen on your GFC profile :)

Tracey Joseph said...

All of these sound really good. The Fine Art of Truth or Dare sounds like a really cute book.

Kathryn Cooper said...

I am definitely most excited for Insurgent!! Divergent was just amazing!

Sophia said...

Insurgent! Yes! I am just dying, dying, dying for it. Also, for Clockwork Princess. :) Great list!

Anonymous said...

Really this is interesting topic about this article..and i will definitely impressed your post..thanks for sharing here..
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