Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday Teaser

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following: •Grab your current read •Open to a random page •Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page •BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) •Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

This weeks teaser is:

Shut Out
By Kody Keplinger

"This is ethical," I said, hoping to get them back on track. "We're not really using sex as a weapon - we're just choosing not to partake until the rivalry ends. We're not manipulating them or anything. We're ... boycotting"

I loved reading Kody Keplinger's first book, that I just knew I had to read her next one. So far so good.


Anonymous said...

Good Teaser, new author for me.

Harvee said...

Good plan. Hope it works! Here's
My tease

Anonymous said...

I just got my copy of this in the mail yesterday, I can't wait to pick it up!!!

Thanks for the teaser!

Unknown said...

Will add on my TBR pile!

Lisa (Lisa's World of Books) said...

I so want to read this one!

Lisa's World of Books, Teaser Tuesday

Michael @ The Bookshelf Review said...

Great Teaser. New Follower. =]
Thanks for visiting my blog earlier. =]

The Book Faerie said...

Awesome teaser :) Shut Out looks soo interesting!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh! I want to read Shut Out so bad. Awesome teaser. Thanks for stopping by my blog. New follower:)
My TT: http://thesagacityquest.blogspot.com/2011/09/teaser-tuesdays-1.html#comments

Anonymous said...

Sounds intense.... good teaser. thanks for visiting mine.

Unknown said...

I want this book too! A friend of mine recently finished this one and she really enjoyed it.. I can't wait to read it either!

new follower,
My Teaser

Frances said...

Interesting teaser. Sounds like a fun book to read. New follower.

Anonymous said...

Boycotting sex! Never knew you could do that.

Casey (The Bookish Type) said...

I'm glad you're enjoying this one! I love Kody too. I think the DUFF is still my fave, but this book was great!

Bex said...

I'm definitely curious about this series. I've heard a lot about it, but never really decided if it sounds like something for me or not. ;) Great teaser! Hope you enjoy. Thanks for stopping by!

Kindle Fever