Monday, January 16, 2012

Musing Monday

MUSING MONDAYS… is a weekly event where MizB at Should be Reading will ask a book/reading-related question, and you answer with your own thoughts on the topic.

This week’s musing asks…
What devices –if any– do you read books on? Do you find it enjoyable, or still somewhat bothersome? Or: If you only read the print books, why haven’t you chosen to read on any devices?

I have the Kindle Fire and I absolutely love it.  But sometimes I pick up a regular book sometimes to read.  Especially if I really really like it I will always get the actual book.  But I love my Kindle I can have a million books at my disposal, that's a beautiful thing!

How about you?

Don't forget to check out Beswitched Blog Tour and Giveaway, ends on Friday.  Thanks and good luck.


Synchronized Reading said...

Kindle can be way more convenient, especially with traveling. You don't have to pack tons of books, you already have them!

caite said...

The ability to have all those books on hand is heady...

Leah Marie said...

I think all agree that nothing beats the printed page... but we all love our eReaders too! They are just so handy!

My Monday Musing is HERE.

Laura BurgandyIce said...

Ooh, a Kindle Fire!! Nice!!
there is something sweet about being so close to so many books!! :-)

My Musing: