An Eclipse Novella
by Stephanie Meyer
So I was really hesitant about getting this book, which turned out in my favor because my friend got it for my birthday, hugs to her!!! I really didn't think I was going to like this book but I really fell in love with the character Bree, and when I saw the movie all I could think about was Bree's back story and how I wish they would have showed a little bit more in the Eclipse movie. Yes I know she's obviously not the main character but it would have been nice to see nonetheless. I really liked this story and I wanted her and Diego to run away together. It would have been so sweet, but all who read the twilight saga: Eclipse knew what her fate was going to be, but still it would have been a cute story. I wouldn't mind finding out whatever happened to Big Fred when he left the "coven", I think we need yet another book please!
4 out of 5 stars (only cause I already knew the ending he he)
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