Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Review: The Possibility of Somewhere by Julia Day

The Possibility of Somewhere
By: Julia Day
Release Date: September 6, 2016

Together is somewhere they long to be.

Ash Gupta has a life full of possibility. His senior year is going exactly as he’s always wanted-- he's admired by his peers, enjoying his classes and getting the kind of grades that his wealthy, immigrant parents expect. There's only one obstacle in Ash's path: Eden Moore—the senior most likely to become class valedictorian. How could this unpopular, sharp-tongued girl from the wrong side of the tracks stand in his way?

All Eden's ever wanted was a way out. Her perfect GPA should be enough to guarantee her a free ride to college -- and an exit from her trailer-park existence for good. The last thing she needs is a bitter rivalry with Ash, who wants a prized scholarship for his own selfish reasons. Or so she thinks. . . When Eden ends up working with Ash on a class project, she discovers that the two have more in common than either of them could have imagined. They’re both in pursuit of a dream -- one that feels within reach thanks to their new connection. But what does the future hold for two passionate souls from totally different worlds?

Sometimes succeeding in life and moving on from your small town is important, but sometimes it’s the experiences you have getting there and letting people in is what matters more.  This story was charming and addicting, Julia Day did a remarkable job telling the story of Eden and Ash.  Both fighting for the same goal in life, to get out from under their parents and their current lives, both extremely smart and determined.

This story is told through Eden’s point of view, she considers herself to be trailer trash, and not worthy of any friends or anything else really.  The only thing she is determined to do is go to college and finally be able to get out of this small town and the reputation she was given to because of her mother’s actions.  It was very interesting watching her grow as a person and finally letting people in, although if they were anything like Mundy, she really didn’t have a choice.  Mundy was a very curious character who is very out there and honest, she was delightful. 

We also meet Ash who is really Eden’s rival, they are 1 and 2 in their class and are always in competition with one another.  He is described as quite a handsome boy and not only that, but he is also Indian, which is not a background you normally see in YA books so that just made him even more interesting.  There were a lot of mentions of racism and people not approving of their potential relationship because she was white and he was Indian, but they complimented each other so well.  Ash helped Eden come out of her shell more. 

Their relationship was innocent, simple and adorable to read about.  Their friendship grew, sure there were moments I was mad at them especially Ash for being so stiff, but it’s who he is and just made the book that much better.  There were a lot of different story lines in this book, not only with friendship, rivals, and school but there were also parents, death, autism, and bullying and life changes.  This book had me going to the very end it was too good, I didn’t want it to end honestly.  I wouldn’t mind reading this book from Ash’s point of view that should be even more exciting.

The cover is charming and attractive, absolutely something I would pick up to read more about.  This book is great especially now that school is very much in the near future.  Perfect for those overachievers wondering what can change in their lives.  Overall this book was addicting and I loved the different plot lines, I think Julia did an amazing job bringing these characters to life and showcasing another stereotype and the idea of different races getting together into the light more.  It happens, and it’s okay because in the end we are all people.  It’s how you react to that which matters most.  I loved reading their struggle and their triumph.  Great book, go make sure you pick it up and read it!

I received this book from NetGalley and St. Martin's Press/St. Martin's Griffin, so that I may give my honest opinion and a review. Whether it is good or not please do not let it discourage you from purchasing/reading the book yourself and forming your own opinion. What might be good for me may not be good for you and vice versa. With that said, Happy Reading Everyone!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Blog Tour: The Summer Before Forever by Melissa Chambers - Review/Excerpt/Giveaway

The Summer Before Forever
By: Melissa Chambers
Release Date: August 22, 2016
Series: Before Forever #1

Some boys break your heart. Others teach you how to heal it.

Chloe Stone’s life is a hot mess. Determined to stop being so freaking skittish, she packs up her quasi-famous best friend and heads to Florida. The goal? Complete the summer bucket list to end all bucket lists. The problem? Her hot soon-to-be stepbrother, Landon Jacobs.

Landon’s mom will throttle him if he even looks at his future stepsister the wrong way. Problem is, Chloe is everything he didn’t know he wanted, and that’s...inconvenient. Watching her tear it up on a karaoke stage, stand up to his asshole friend, and rock her first string bikini destroys his sanity.

But there’s more than their future family on the line. Landon is hiding something—something he knows will change how she feels about him—and she’s hiding something from him, too. And when the secrets come out, there’s a good chance neither will look at the other the same way again...

This was a very unique story line with a variety of difficult situations which the author did a great job in helping you through these difficult situations.  I always love learning new things and Melissa Chambers had me googling all over the place for the one learning disability in the book, so it’s always a plus when you can learn something new.

We meet Chloe who is about to spend the summer with her father and his soon to be new wife who happens to have a teenage son.  You know this is a recipe for disaster depending on how the two get along.  It definitely didn’t turn out to be a disaster for Chloe and Landon, quite the opposite actually.  The minute they see each other there is a connection, it was a little too insta love for me, but regardless as the story progressed I was intrigued and interested in their story. 

Chloe is running away from something that happened to her in her hometown, but with the help of her best friend Jenna and a list to boost her confidence she prevails.  Sometimes it’s a difficult thing to try and gain confidence, it’s a scary thing that most people can’t even accomplish while others just flourish with it, but her different tasks definitely help change Chloe for the better.  Landon on the other hand has a learning disability that he can’t help but hide, he’s embarrassed by it and doesn’t want anyone to think any less of him.  It’s a learning disability I’ve never heard of before but what a great way to bring it to light so that others can learn more about it.  I applaud Melissa Chambers for that great accomplishment. 

The romance in this book is very low-key and innocent for the most part, but it definitely showed how there are different people in this world and you always have to be careful, because you never know what type of situation you will be put into.  I loved that this story touched upon possible rape and how to handle a situation like that.  Running away isn’t always the answer sometimes you have to face it, especially if they can do it again to someone else.  It’s a very serious issue that needs to be discussed both with young women and men.  Again I applaud Melissa Chambers for that. 

Overall I think Chloe and Landon helped to build each other’s confidence throughout the book and deal with their impending situations.  There was family issues, learning disabilities, dating situations and just a little bit of everything in this book.  It was an interesting and great read, very quick and entertaining.  The cover is adorable, even if it’s not how I pictured any of the characters.     

About the Author: 
melissa chambersMelissa Chambers writes contemporary novels for young, new, and actual adults. A Nashville native, she spends her days working in the music industry and her nights tapping away at her keyboard. While she’s slightly obsessed with alt rock, she leaves the guitar playing to her husband and kid. She never misses a chance to play a tennis match, listen to an audiobook, or eat a bowl of ice cream. (Rocky road, please!) She’s a member of SCBWI and RWA including several local and online chapters thereof. She holds her B.S. in Communications from the University of Tennessee.
 Twitter: MelChambersAuth

Read Below for an excerpt from The Summer Before Forever:
It’s not like I didn’t know better. How many times has it been drilled into my brain—into the brain of every child over the age of three. Don’t get into a car with a stranger. But can the guy you’ve been melting for since the start of sophomore year really be considered a stranger…even if you never officially met him before?

I accidentally gun the gas as I squirm a little. Eight hours in a driver’s seat is hell on any behind.

It’s done. It’s over. In fact, I’m lucky. I got out of the nightmare with all my firsts still intact…well, most of them. Not quite the first kiss I have been waiting for these past sixteen years. But how juvenile is it anyway that a girl on the brink of seventeen would go un-kissed? Sweet sixteen and never been kissed—endearing. Seventeen and never been kissed—circus freak. At least that’s out of the way.

Jenna rouses in the passenger seat, yawning. “Oh my God. There’s the ocean.”

So it is, Captain Obvious. My Honda Civic starts its ascent up a fairly frightening looking bridge over an inlet.

“How long have I been asleep?”

“Couple of hours.”

She grabs her phone and squints at the screen. “Service. Thank God.”

I can’t help but smile. “What would Jenna Quigley do without social media for a day?”

“I have my fans to consider,” she says.

I give her a look.


Oh, but if only she was kidding. It’s amazing what placing eighth in a karaoke contest can do for one’s ego. Okay, so it was the most popular singing competition on any major network, but same difference.

She flips through her phone. “Oooh. I almost forgot. You’re going to love this one.”

Jenna and I are two of the most unlikely best friends in the history of friendships, but one thing that does bring us together is our shared love of music.

Unfortunately, our tastes couldn’t possibly be further apart on the spectrum.

“You’ve said that about the last five songs you played for me,” I say.

She holds up her free hand, the thumb on the other still scrolling. “I swear this is one of your people, not mine.”

She sets her phone down and stares at me with those huge green eyes as the synthpop sounds of St. Lucia fill my car.

I eye her. I wouldn’t call St. Lucia one of my people, but he definitely doesn’t suck. And as far as artists go that break the barrier between her pop roots and my alt rock ones, this is one I can live with. Besides, this song is highly danceable. My upper body moves to the beat without my permission.

She points at me. “See! I told you you’d love it.”

I let a smile through. “I don’t hate it. How did you get into him?”

“Mason,” she says.

And with that name, my shoulders still. Not that there’s anything wrong with Mason. He’s not the one who tried to force himself on me. No, that particular honor goes to his best friend, Trevor. I haven’t told Jenna yet. She’ll be crushed when she finds out—and then murderous. With the summer in front of us, I need to keep her living in blissful ignorance. If I don’t, she’ll blow up to Mason about it, and then it will become this huge deal around school.

As far as she’s concerned, Trevor and I kissed, and there was no spark.

“So this kid who’s going to be your stepbrother—what’s his name?” Jenna asks.

Here we go. I suppose I’ve put this off long enough. “I probably should mention… He’s not really a kid.”

“Great. Is he some pervy preteen who’s going to be peeping through the crack of my bedroom door?”

“Not exactly.” I don’t know if he’s pervy or not, but I do know he’s not a preteen. He’s only a year older than us. It’s stupid, but I’m not ready for Jenna to find out yet. If I’d told her when I found out, she’d have found him on social media and wrapped him around her pinky before we even arrived. I just want a chance to get to know him at the same time rather than the two of them being old buds and best friends before we even arrive…or worse, dating.

I stare past the road out into the sparkling ocean spread in front of us. Secretly, I’m hoping he’s more like me than he is like her. I’ve never had a brother. God, I need that right now. A guy I can trust, who’s got my back. I have these ridiculous fantasies of this guy who immediately takes me under his protective wing as he kickboxes Trevor in the balls for what he tried to make me do…for what he swears we will do someday.

“So? What’s his name?” Jenna repeats.

“I don’t remember,” I lie.

She glares at me. “Well, what has your dad told you about him?”

I hit the blinker, and we turn toward our home for the next two months. “You think my dad and I have actual conversations?”

Jenna sits up and gasps, staring out the window. “No. Freaking. Way.”

A massive stone archway with sleek, aqua letters reading Sea Glass Cove welcomes us into a resort covered in pastel beach bungalows, a crazy big golf course, and a pool that looks like it was hijacked from Atlantis.

“Why didn’t you tell me your dad was loaded?” Jenna asks.

“He’s not,” I say. “This is his fiancée’s house.”

She snickers. “Score, Mr. Stone. Your dad must be hotter than I remember.”

I make a face. “Gross, Jenna.”

“Does he have a huge penis?” She pokes me in the side.

I swerve. “You’re going to get us killed, nasty.”

Jenna stabs a finger across my face. “265, there it is.”

I turn into the driveway of a two-story baby blue house. A black Jeep sits next to a shiny red Porsche SUV in front of my Honda. All this belongs to my future stepmother. Geez. Does my dad have a huge penis?

I open the door, and the salty sea air hits my face like the smell of chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven. Florida, even the humidity that’s so thick I think I might need an asthma inhaler, is my temporary escape for the summer.

I know I have to go back home to Cliff Ridge eventually, but when I do, the evil Trevor will be gone for college. As much as the next two months are going to win the award for most awkward daughter/dad summer ever, it’s better than the alternative of spending it back home looking over my shoulder.

I open the trunk and start gathering our bags.

“Cute,” Jenna says.

I glance at the house next door. “Yeah, you won’t find lavender houses in Cliff Ridge.”

“Not the house,” Jenna says out of the corner of her mouth.

“Let me get that.”

I look up to put a face with the unfamiliar male voice. Holy Zac Efron. Who in the… Oh no. I bet this is—

“Hey.” He grins at Jenna. “Which one of you is my new little sister?”

Jenna’s eyes go wide and she elbows me in the side. “Thank God not me.”

Great. Just…great.

He gives her a mischievous lift of an eyebrow, and then shifts his gaze to me. “Chloe?”

This guy has got the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen and short, shaggy, dark hair that falls all around his face in that totally messy and totally doesn’t care kind of way. Standing at least six feet tall, he towers over me, but I’m used to that. A light sprinkling of freckles decorates his tanned face, whereas I look like I’ve been hiding under a UV protected rock my whole life.

I scratch my eyebrow. “Yeah. Landon, right?”

“I thought you couldn’t remember his name,” Jenna mutters.

I cut my eyes at her in warning. He offers me his hand, and I take it.

“So you’re the new sister. You’re my first.” He gives the slightest hint of a smile and lets go of my hand. We watch as he wrangles our big roller bags out of the trunk and carries them both by the handles into the house.

Jenna rests an elbow on my shoulder. “Who needs to use the rollers when you’ve got muscles like that?”

She looks at me for a reaction, but I turn to the trunk to avoid her.

“So, some kid brother you got there,” she says. “What the hell, Chlo?”

I tug the rest of the bags out of the trunk and load us both down with them. “I said he wasn’t a kid…exactly.”

Jenna points to his backside as he climbs the front porch steps. “Not a kid, exactly? That is a full-fledged man. His boy parts grew up years ago.”

I anchor a canvas bag to her right shoulder. “Don’t be gross.”

I shut the trunk, and we make our way toward the house.

Landon holds the door open for us, and we scoot past him into the foyer. It’s weird stepping into this house that I guess will be my home in a way. My dad lives here after all, but it’s not really his…at least not yet. I glance around at all the white and aqua stuff, including a pristine white couch. God, I hope I don’t spill anything on that.

“This is a beautiful house,” I say.

“My mom’s a real estate agent. She’s into decorating houses and stuff.”

I glance around. “Is my dad here?”

“They just texted. They’ll be here in just a little while. They’re getting dinner stuff.” He smiles. “I think they’re going all out for your first night.”

I suppose that warms my heart a tad. Doesn’t really make up for my dad’s virtual complete absence from my life for the past five months, but who’s keeping score.

“Where will we be sleeping?” Jenna asks with innuendo.

“Upstairs. Follow me.”

As he leads us up the stairs Jenna points at his behind again and gives a thumb’s up. I give my throat a slice in warning, and it just eggs her on.

He hauls our suitcases into a pale yellow room. Jenna tosses her bags on one of the twin beds, and I sit down on the other.

“I’ll let you settle in. Nice to meet you, Jenna…Chloe.”

“Likewise,” Jenna says as he shuts the door to our room behind him.

I glare at her.

She flops onto the bed she claimed. “What’d I do?”

“We’re going to be here two months,” I say pointedly.


“So if you hook up with him now and things go sour next week, it’s going to be a long two months.”

She sighs and sits up. “Point taken. Besides that, he’s just the first one we’ve seen. I bet there are a whole slew of them down at the beach. Let’s go.” She rips into her suitcase and comes up with a hot pink bikini.

“I want to wait for my dad to get home. You go.”

“That’s cool. I’ll wait with you.” She pulls her phone out of her pocket and flips through one of her seven or eight social media apps, I assume.

“Ah, look at my sweetie.”

“Who?” I ask. It could be anyone.

She glowers at me. “Mason.”

I nod. Of course. They hooked up the same night I had my fiasco with Trevor. Jenna never clarifies what she means by hooked up. I’m guessing it’s somewhere between a peck on the cheek and full-on sex.

I hang clothes in one of the two closets, and then pull out the bag with my shower stuff. As I go to set my shampoo down on the corner of the tub, I notice a bottle of men’s body wash. I realize that the door I assumed was to a linen closet is actually too big to be a closet door. I creep toward it and give it a little shove. It leads to another bedroom. A guy’s bedroom.

Gray, t-shirt material sheets pool on the unmade bed. A football poster decorates one wall, while another poster of Kate Upton in a bikini hangs on another. At least sixty or seventy hardbacks line the shelves of a bookcase. I check the door, and then take a few steps closer to read the titles—biographies, many of world leaders or prominent figures in history. I spot one sitting on his desk with a bookmark peeping out of it. Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy.

He’s redeemed for the Kate Upton poster.

A classic tennis racket in a wooden case sits on a shelf above his bed. A toddler-sized jersey hangs in a frame on one wall next to a shelf housing a single trophy. I come closer and read the plaque. The Mean Green Gorillas, Team Participant. I can’t help but giggle.

“I don’t come in your room and laugh at your stuff.”

I jump a mile and spin around.

Landon lounges against the doorframe.


MEANT TO BE MINE Release Day Blitz - Excerpt


Title: Meant to be Mine
Author: Lisa Marie Perry
Series: Guilty Pleasures series #1
On Sale: August 30, 2016
Publisher: Forever
Formats: Mass Market & eBook
Price: $6.99 USD (MM) / $6.99 USD (eBook)

Loving him was hard. Wanting him was so damn easy . . .

Sofia Mercer may have been sick as a teen, but she’s no delicate flower. And she’s proven it by making it on her own and starting a new life away from the town that turned against her, away from the boy who broke her already fragile heart. But when her aunt Luz dies unexpectedly, leaving Sofia with a mountain of regrets and the keys to a quirky boutique, Sofia has no choice but to return to Cape Cod. Only, this new life in her old town comes with complications.

Burke Wolf was Sofia’s first love—a relationship that burned bright and went up in flames. Seeing him again, Sofia can’t help but get caught up in that all-too-familiar tornado of passion and pain. He’s battled his own demons—that much is clear. But Sofia can’t afford to be careless with her heart . . . and loving Burke again might just break it completely.


Meant to be Mine #1
Yours to Take #2 (not released yet!)



Lisa Marie Perry encounters difficult fictional men and women on a daily basis. She writes sizzling, deep fiction featuring flawed heroes brought to their knees by the love of complicated women. She has received high praise from USA Today and has been nominated for an RT Book Reviews literary award. She lives in America's heartland, drives a truck, enjoys indie rock, collects Medieval literature, watches too many comedies, has a not-so-secret love for lace and adores rugged men with a little bit of nerd.

For laughs, randomness and occasional inappropriateness, 
visit LMP at



She hid her scar behind her clothes, hid her sexual hunger behind mannequins in a window, but eventually, he would bring Sofia Mercer out of hiding.
Their lips parted and he traced a finger between her breasts, up the jagged trail of thick, knotted scar tissue. He wanted to see it, assure her it wasn’t ugly, but he’d given his word that he wouldn’t look, and he would kick his own ass before he violated that trust.
“It doesn’t feel ugly,” he said plainly. “I’ve got scars, too.”
“From fighting. This is different.”
What had she been imagining, all these years? Schoolyard brawls? A teenage fight club? Did she define him as someone so out of control that he’d gone searching for split lips, black eyes, and fractured ribs?
Yeah, it was different. Her scar was a result of a lifesaving medical procedure . . . not violence.
Laying his hand flat, he felt her heart pound quick and strong. Caught up in the moment, caught up in her, he whispered, “Losing you would’ve killed me.”
He felt her slip away from him before she moved a single muscle. When she did retreat, sliding off his lap, fixing her clothes, and raking an arm across her mouth, she said, “I told Abram we weren’t together. Was that a lie? Can we be together, Burke?”
“Casually, yeah. As friends, of course. But don’t rope me into more. It wouldn’t be good for you.”
“That’s not your call.”
“It is, though. Tell me something and be truthful about it. How many panic attacks have you had since coming back to town?”
“A few.”
“Uh-huh. And how many came on when I wasn’t near you?”
“Uh . . .”
“That’s my point. Think it’s a coincidence that your health teeters when I’m around? I’m harmful to you. I’ve known for a long time that I’m no good.” She didn’t know all the hell he carried. He’d do anything to spare her heart the burden of his skeletons.
“Stop it,” she whispered, getting to her feet. “You’d never hurt me.”
“Not intentionally, but the fact is I trigger something in you that you can’t physically handle. I meant what I said earlier—it would kill me to lose you. As much as I want you, and damn it, you know I do, I can’t keep putting you at risk.”
“Are you sure my health isn’t your excuse to justify walking away?” she challenged. “Hold me off, resist what’s good and real and permanent, then take off on your boat. That’s your plan, right?”
“It’s worked out nicely for years. You wouldn’t be the first woman to step back because she can’t handle my career. It’s dangerous, the hours can be shitty, and sometimes I can be on the water for weeks. I’d never ask you or anyone else to shut up and like it. If you want to bail now, I won’t hold it against you.”
“That does terrify me, but I’m not bailing. A career is one thing. Escape is something else altogether. I don’t think I can love you halfway—either I’m all in or I fold.”

Excerpted from MEANT TO BE MINE by Lisa Marie Perry. Copyright © 2016 by Lisa Marie Perry. Used with permission of Grand Central Publishing. All rights reserved.


Monday, August 29, 2016

Review: Meant to Be by Lisa Marie Perry

Meant To Be
By: Lisa Marie Perry
Release Date: August 30, 2016
Series: Guilty Pleasures #1

The first book in the Guilty Pleasures series.

Loving him was hard. Wanting him was so damn easy...

Sofia Mercer may have been sick as a teen, but she's no delicate flower. And she's proven it by making it on her own and starting a new life away from the town that turned against her, away from the boy who broke her already fragile heart. But when her aunt

Luz dies unexpectedly, leaving Sofia with a mountain of regrets and the keys to a quirky boutique, Sofia has no choice but to return to Cape Cod. Only, this new life in her old town comes with complications.

Burke Wolf was Sofia's first love-a relationship that burned bright and went up in flames. Seeing him again, Sofia can't help but get caught up in that all-too-familiar tornado of passion and pain. He's battled his own demons-that much is clear. But Sofia can't afford to be careless with her heart . . . and loving Burke again might just break it completely.

This was a really great read with quite a bit of dirtiness involved that kept you interested.  The main characters were very good at avoiding each other and emotions when necessary but you can so obviously see that they were literally meant to be with one another.  You know the saying you complete me, I felt that between these characters.  They helped to complete one another.  I haven’t read anything from this author previously but I will definitely be checking out future books in this series.  I just have to know what happens.

We meet Sofia and Joss who are on their way back to a small town to Sofia’s aunt’s funeral.  There Sofia runs into an old friend.  The two of them had quite the relationship but without one another they were definitely lost.  Years had passed since they last saw each other and many things have transpired since then, they were both troubled in one way or another as teens but as adults they still have some reservations about their relationships in life.  It was interesting to watch Sofia grow more into herself and believe in her dreams and how she was able to make them happen. 

Burke on the other hand was very stubborn but he’s being held by a very thin line as he suffers from the worst kinds of addictions, but the resurrection of Sofia has bought him back to life in a better way.  It’s adorable to see how much he truly cares for her, how much he’s scared for her and how much he truly loves her.  Actions always speak louder than words and the two of them had quite the connection.  It was electric and intensifying. 

The other characters in the book also were truly interesting as they too had their very own stories to tell so that’s definitely a reason for me to check out the rest of the series, because I definitely need to know what they are all about.  I’m invested and I just need to know!

Overall the author did a great job in explaining about all these characters, the hardships they endured throughout their lives, what they are still going through and what is yet to come.  The writing was great and kept you absorbed in the story.  The cover is also very interesting makes it look like a really great summer read, and it really is.  It also seems sweet and endearing, add the title to that and you’ve got a winner.  The bonus to the book were the naughty bits, and the naughty sweets.  You’ll see what I mean when you pick up this book and read it from beginning to end. 

Friday, August 26, 2016

Review: Keeping Her Secret by Sarah Nicolas

Keeping Her Secret
By: Sarah Nicolas
Release Date: August 22, 2016
Series: Endless Summer Series

Two girls, one kiss, one summer of discovery
All’s fair in love and summertime prank wars
The last person Riya Johnson expected to run into at her new summer camp is Courtney Chastain—her childhood best friend and the girl who broke her heart after a secret, mind-blowing, life-altering kiss. She definitely didn’t expect to be sharing a bunk bed with her for four long weeks.
Courtney has what every girl wants—she’s beautiful, rich, and the object of every boy’s desire at Camp Pine Ridge. Too bad none of them make her feel an iota of what Riya’s kiss did all those years ago. But Courtney needs to uphold appearances at all costs—even if it means instigating an all-out prank war with Riya as her main target.
Neither girl can stop thinking about the other…but that doesn’t mean they can give up past hurts and take a chance on a future together.
Disclaimer: This Entangled Teen Crush book contains drinking, sexual situations, and a fairy-tale romance sure to make your heart melt.

This book was pretty amazing from the very beginning.  I’ve never read an FF book before but this book wasn’t even about that even though it was all about that.  It was about discovery, facing reality and finally letting go and being the person you know you are, not what someone else wants you to be.  It was really quite beautiful.  Sarah Nicholas, perfect.

We meet Riya as she is on her way to summer camp to get away while her parents move and get things settled in a new location.  Four weeks of fun and friendship, getting out there and meeting new people, little did she know her best friends from childhood also go to this camp and so the fairy tale will begin. We meet the twins Colt and Courtney, they’ve known Riya for a while but haven’t seen each other in four years.  A lot has changed since then but best friends they will always be.  It’s so cute watching Colt be so happy about having Riya back in his life, friends that never lost touch are how they act, it’s adorable.  On the other hand Courtney who has moved on to the beautiful almost mean girl and so very different from the person Riya remembers.  Will they rekindle their friendship, or more?

This book was summer camp at its best, exactly how I pictured it with campers constantly doing pranks on one another, its fun.  I loved the pranks they pulled on one another, it was entertaining to read and so clever.  I’ve never been to camp so I’ve never experienced that not that I want to but still it sounded fun.  The friends that both girls made bought out the best in them.  But there are underlying things going on like the kiss Courtney and Riya shared four years ago when they said goodbye to each other.  Riya is very much out and about and free, but Courtney is an entirely different story.  It was fascinating watching her grow from her shell and finally break free.  It was a beautiful story.

Overall this was a story about friendship, letting go, freedom and most importantly being who you are. Sometimes in life you hide underneath a false persona that is expected of you, but really the only person that needs to be happy is yourself, so break free and do what you want to do.  After all, it’s your life not theirs.  I thought Riya and Courtney’s relationship was a great progression into what they ended with.  Life is hard but it’s how you deal with it that matters.  I can’t gush too much about this book because really I think you have to read it and feel all the emotions yourself because you will definitely feel for this book. 

Great quick summer read about camp and coming out.  The cover is adorable, would definitely make me want to pick it up and see what it’s all about.  Again I’ve never read any female and female relationship books, but really that’s not what this is about its about two people who have fallen each other and their beautiful growing relationship who happen to be of the same sex.  Bravo for an amazing read.  

I received this book from NetGalley and Entangled Publishing, LLC, so that I may give my honest opinion and a review. Whether it is good or not please do not let it discourage you from purchasing/reading the book yourself and forming your own opinion. What might be good for me may not be good for you and vice versa. With that said, Happy Reading Everyone!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Release Week Blitz: The Boyfriend Bet By Chris Cannon - Review/Giveaway

The Boyfriend Bet Release Week Blitz - Blog Banner

Love the Boyfriend Chronicles Series by Chris Cannon? Then Don’t Miss The Boyfriend Bet's Release Week Blitz!

Whether you read Blackmail Boyfriend by Chris Cannon already or not, The Boyfriend Bet is guaranteed to have you LOLing and swooning simultaneously whenever one of Zoe and Grant's PDAs get them sent to detention...yet again. You’ll get up close and personal with Zoe Cain, a feisty main character who loves to bake, crochet, and kiss wealthy Grant Evertide - in part - because her older brother hates him. Grant and Zoe not only end up spending many afternoons in detention together, but also falling hard for one another. If it sounds like a book that will do it for you, then don’t hesitate to buy it on release day. 

The Boyfriend Bet

About The Boyfriend Bet:

Disclaimer: This Entangled Teen Crush book contains multiple PDAs, after-school detentions, and gambling on the side. Warning: betting on a boyfriend is bad for your health. Zoe Cain knows that Grant Evertide is way out of her league. So naturally, she kisses him. Out of spite. Not only is Grant her brother's number-one nemesis, but he has zero interest in being tied down to one girl. She's shocked-and secretly thrilled-when they start spending more time together. Zoe's brother claims Grant is trying to make her his "Ringer," an oh-so-charming tradition where a popular guy dates a non-popular girl until he hooks up with her, then dumps her.Zoe threatens to neuter Grant with hedge clippers if he's lying but Grant swears he isn't trying to trick her. Still, that doesn't mean Grant is the commitment type-even if winning a bet is on the line.

Another super adorable book from Chris Cannon.  This book had me laughing, happy, sad, and just all over the place with the main characters.  Really great story and what a way to start it off.  Addicting series with some really great writing and characters.

We meet Zoe as she is moving on to a private school like most of the locals do when it comes to junior year.  She is quite the firecracker and I would love to be her friend because nothing is boring with her, her friends and her family.  I thought her best friend was adorable as well, a real individual and also someone I wouldn’t mind being friends with.  It’s always great when you can picture yourself in a book with these great characters.  Zoe is hell bent on pissing off her brother all the time but the way she does it in the beginning only starts the book and her journey of a new school and a new special friend. 

Grant is quite the popular guy but definitely does not want to settle down with anyone, but meeting Zoe has made him rethink his whole situation.  Watching the two of them go back and forth, that’s called passion and interest, the bond they start to form it’s so sweet to watch.  They definitely have a lot of ups and downs, after all Zoe is quite the drama queen and if there wasn’t a threat with a shotgun or hedge clippers then it wouldn’t be Zoe.  It was entertaining watching their constant bickering over the most minuscule things in life. 

Overall I thought this book was wonderful, another great addition to the series.  I hope to hear more about Delia and her crazy sense of style and Aiden the straight forward analyzer of things.  A story about those two would be really interesting.  But the setting was great, the characters were funny and different, the story flowed very easily and you can completely picture everything happen like a movie in your head.  It was a quick fun read and perfect to get your mind off things.  The cover is very cute and simple but keeps you wondering what it could be about with the two people on the cover.  The title is also very catchy and you automatically start going through scenarios in your head.  Loved it, go read it!

 Still need a little convincing? 
Then follow along with The Boyfriend Bet's Release Week Blitz:

August 22, 2016:
Dawn Heslin from Bound 2 Escape - Review
Jordan from Young Adult Book Madness - Review
Kelly Nagy from Book Crushin' - Review
Ashley Kemp from Mama Reads, Hazel Sleeps - Review
Raychel from United Indie Book Blog - Review
Becky Paulk from Book Bite Reviews - Review
Seraphina from Seraphina Reads - Review
Aly from Reading Shy with Aly - Review
Liz Castillo from Liz's Reading Life - Review
Rochelle from Cover2Cover - Review
August 23, 2016:
Laura from YA Book Divas - Spotlight
August 24, 2016:
Edit~A from Let's Talk About Books - Review
August 25, 2016:
August 26, 2016:
Cindy from Cindy's Love of Books - Spotlight

Enter The Boyfriend Bet Release Week Blitz Giveaway:

Check out this fun teaser from The Boyfriend Bet:
Jack shoved his finger in my face. "You can talk to any other guy you want to at this school, but you are not allowed to talk to him.” Had my brother learned nothing over the last sixteen years? Apparently not, and for that he would pay. I turned back to the source of my brother’s irritation. "Grant, do you have a girlfriend who would mind if you kissed me to piss off my brother?" In answer, he leaned down and pressed his mouth against mine. Bam. Instant heat.

Buy The Boyfriend Bet (Boyfriend Chronicles, #2) by Chris Cannon now:


Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo| | | Entangled Publishing

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Review: Daring the Bad Boy By Monica Murphy

Daring the Bad Boy
By: Monica Murphy
Release Date: August 22, 2016

Truth or Dare was never this much fun...

Annie McFarland is sick of being a shy nobody. A session at summer camp seems like the perfect opportunity to reinvent herself—gain some confidence, kiss a boy, be whoever she wants to be. A few days in, she’s already set her sights on über-hottie Kyle. Too bad her fear of water keeps her away from the lake, where Kyle is always hanging out. 

Jacob Fazio is at Camp Pine Ridge after one too many screw-ups. Junior counseling seems like punishment enough, but the rigid no-fraternizing-with-campers rules harsh his chill. When a night of Truth or Dare gets him roped into teaching Annie how to swim, she begs him to also teach her how to snag Kyle. 

Late-night swim sessions turn into late-night kissing sessions...but there’s more on the line than just their hearts. If they get caught, Jake’s headed straight to juvie, but Annie’s more than ready to dare him to reveal the truth.

Disclaimer: This Entangled Teen Crush book contains references to drinking, sexual situations, adult language, and an intense bad boy hero who will melt your heart. 


This was a very sweet book about going to summer camp and trying to change your life for the better.  Monica Murphy did a great job introducing us to these young fun and realistic campers and a perfect summer setting, who’s story was quite adorable.

We meet Annie who is struggling to break out of her bookworm shell, what better way to do that then to go to summer camp where no one knows you.  But she’s still a very moralistic kind of girl so even though she has bouts of sassiness and confidence she is still that shy girl who is afraid of things.  Throughout the book you see her struggles with things that happened in the past, but the struggles are what make her who she is and she overcomes those struggles in the best way possible, with the help of the resident bad boy at camp. 

Jake was told not to fraternize with anyone really, but of course he’s a bad boy and can’t help it, especially when he meets Annie during second session.  There is just something about her.  It’s cute watching them fall for each other slowly.  Summer camp is for adventures, friendships, sneaking off for kisses and this is exactly how I’ve pictured summer camp going.  I’ve never experienced it firsthand but I can totally see this really happening, with that this book is very realistic.  There’s the girl who will be your friend till the end, the boy who is the biggest flirt but not that intelligent, the girls who are in a clique and you can’t help but want to be a part of, and just every imaginable type of person will be at camp. 

Overall this book was an adorable quick read about summer camp and finding your place in the world.  Sometimes you can really find happiness in the least expected places.  Love the cover, really can picture the two main characters on there.  I will definitely read another book in this series, have to keep up to date with all the campers.  There were some really endearing moments in this book about loss, friendships and life.  It’s hard to move on after tragedies, but it’s something we must all do, live on.

I received this book from NetGalley and Entangled Publishing LLC, so that I may give my honest opinion and a review. Whether it is good or not please do not let it discourage you from purchasing/reading the book yourself and forming your own opinion. What might be good for me may not be good for you and vice versa. With that said, Happy Reading Everyone!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Review: The Best Friend Bargain by Robin Bielman

The Best Friend Bargain
Release Date: August 8, 2016
Series: Kisses in the Sand #3

Olivia Lincoln has a plan guaranteed to get her life back on track. A plan that involves her best friend, Danny. And he’s on board, too…until she blurts out that they’re engaged and expecting a baby, and the news spreads like wildfire.

The problem? Danny doesn’t do marriage. Or family. And everyone knows it, including Olivia.

As irritated as he might be, protecting Olivia is what Danny does. But put best friends under one roof, add house rules begging to be broken, accidental nakedness, and pancakes in bed, and what started as a marriage between friends threatens to turn into the real deal…which would ruin everything.

What a predicament to be in, finding out you are pregnant and not wanting to disappoint your family so you go to your very best friend in the whole world and proposition a proposal from him, the one person who doesn’t believe in that type of commitment.  What a very interesting premise for this book and stranger things have happened.  I think the author did a wonderful job telling the great story of Danny and Olivia. 

First let me start by saying how much I love all the characters names, I haven’t read any of the other books in this series but am seriously intrigued on how the other couples got together, should be even more interesting reads.  I love the fact that these two characters have basically known each other for the majority of their lives and it wasn’t something that just happened instantly.  This is something that has grown from the very beginning of time but they were all too stubborn to realize what happened.  Going through the motions of everyone in their daily lives and their daily struggles with one another and their ever growing relationships.

Danny is so stubborn and hard headed about his life and what he plans to do with it considering his condition but of course Liv is all about him and even with his condition she planned on being in his life.  So really it’s up to him to realize what it is he has right in front of him which everyone has seen for such a long time. Liv is no easier though because she’s always had abandonment issues so she feels like she always has to have someone so when she attaches herself to Danny she eventually takes a break and learns that she can do it on her own.

Overall the story was wonderful and a great quick read.  There were some very steamy moments too and makes me look at honey in a whole new way.  I enjoyed the setting, all the characters, and the writing style, on the whole this book is something you should pick up and check out.  I’m definitely going to check out the first two books.  Such a happy story that just makes you feel good. I really love the cover too, very eye catching and makes you want to read what it’s about.  Looks very relatable.

I received this book from NetGalley and Entangled Publishing (Lovestruck), so that I may give my honest opinion and a review. Whether it is good or not please do not let it discourage you from purchasing/reading the book yourself and forming your own opinion. What might be good for me may not be good for you and vice versa. With that said, Happy Reading Everyone!!!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Review: The Sound of Us by Ashley Poston

The Sound of Us
By: Ashley Poston
Release Date:December 19, 2013
Series: Radio Hearts #1

America's favorite pop band, Roman Holiday, is done, dead, and so totally last year. For eighteen-year-old rockoholic Junie Baltimore, this is music to her ears. But when she discovers their sexy ex-lead singer hiding out on the boardwalk, her summer vacation becomes the cover story of the year.

She's willing to keep him a secret, but when a sleazy paparazzo offers her the cash she needs to save the bar her father left behind, could she sell out for the chance to save her future? Who is she kidding? That's a no-brainer...but she never planned on falling head over heels for the lead singer.

I love music and usually have it on all the time everywhere around me.  I love all kinds of genre’s and when any music appears in any of the books I read I can’t help but fall in love just a little more.  Music evokes memories and words written on a page that you have the privilege of reading will also always evoke a memory.  Transporting you into another world and living the experience of all the characters, it’s a beautiful thing and I think Ashley Poston has a really amazing way of transporting you and making you feel for all the characters.  I loved this book as much as I loved the second book in this series, yes I read it out of order.  There’s something special about the writing, it pulls you in.

This is where it all started, Holly’s death, Roman’s disappearance and Holly’s memorial service.  Things happen, and sometimes as tragic as they are maybe they happened for a reason, I don’t necessarily know what the reason was, because nothing is too tragic that you need to take your life, but that’s beside the point.  We are focusing on Roman, he’s lost, but he somehow ends up finding Junie and with their small interactions a strong bond forms between the two.  I think it helps that they have both lost people in their lives that were close to them.  It’s what you do after the loss that matters most, keep those memories strong and be a better person. 

I loved the interaction between all the characters, the constant music trivia between the two of them.  The realistic way they started to feel again and they felt something for one another, there was no insta anything.  It was growing, sure it was a short period, but it progressed over time and realizations.  Overall the relationships in this book were a pleasure to experience, I found myself feeling everything they would, wanting to google these people as if they were real people, it just felt that real to me.  As if I was reading an autobiography or something, it was just that good and realistic, because really it could happen maybe not to me but to someone out there it could happen.  For me it will just stay in my fantasies, cause who hasn’t fantasized about meeting a rock “pop” star.

The story flowed very fluidly, I didn’t feel like I was lacking anything other than I didn’t want their story to end.  It was beautiful really.  There are a lot of things to learn from this book, don’t believe everything you read, especially in tabloids.  Sometimes it’s hard to move on, but move on is something that needs to be done.  And famous people are regular people, they too have feelings and are just trying to live their lives.  Fame is just part of their job. 

I think the cover is very cute, and I can’t gush enough about the book itself.  If you’ve never read it you should definitely pick this up, and the second book of course.  Because Ashley Poston is an amazing writer.  Loved it!